Getting Going With Mock

Getting Going With Mock

I’ve just been installing mock on RHEL5 with the intention of getting our developers to use it instead of requesting 20 different VMs of different CPU architectures and RHEL versions to build their RPM packages on. Again. So here are my notes for the next time I do it.

First you should configure yum to use EPEL so you can easily install mock, then just install it:

# yum install  --enablerepo=epel5 mock

Create a mock user (which has to have “mock” as a secondary group):

# adduser -G mock -g mock mock

Create some storage for the mock repositories:

# lvcreate -n lv_var_lib_mock -l 100%FREE vg00
# mkfs -t ext3 /dev/vg00/lv_var_lib_mock
# echo /dev/vg00/lv_var_lib_mock  /var/lib/mock  ext3    defaults        0  0 >> /etc/fstab
# ( FOO=$(mktemp) column -t /etc/fstab $FOO && mv $FOO /etc/fstab )
# mount /dev/vg00/lv_var_lib_mock
# chgrp mock /var/lib/mock
# chmod 2775 /var/lib/mock

Create the mock configuration for RHEL:

# cp /etc/mock/{epel,rhel}-5-x86_64.cfg

And now modify it to use the repositories you want and add proxy configuration. Then build your packages!:

# su - mock
$ mock --disable-plugin='ccache' -r rhel-5-x86_64 /tmp/bc-1.06-21.src.rpm

ccache is used by mock to speed up compiles, but it is provided by EPEL and you might might not have included EPEL in your repo list. This will cause your SRPM build to fail, so I disabled in the previous run on the command line. You can also disable it in the rhel-5-x86_64.cfg config file by setting the parameter:
config_opts['plugin_conf']['ccache_enable'] = False

By default, the output from the build is put under /var/lib/mock/rhel-5-x86_64/result.

If you have problems you can enter the chroot to see what might be going wrong:

$ mock -r rhel-5-x86_64 --shell
INFO: version 1.0.22 starting...
State Changed: init plugins
INFO: selinux enabled
WARNING: selinux: 'yum' does not support '--setopt' option
State Changed: start
State Changed: lock buildroot
mock-chroot> ls
bin  boot  builddir  dev  etc  home  lib  lib64  media	mnt  opt  proc	root  sbin  selinux  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
mock-chroot> exit
State Changed: unlock buildroot
State Changed: end